Tinkle In The Potty Game

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The original date of posting to the MMSA was 1. AugĀ 2. 00. 5 Authors Note As I guess most of you know, my second Dad was younger than me and very strict. Tinkle In The Potty Game' title='Tinkle In The Potty Game' />The spankings that happened in this story were like real soon after he became my Dad like a month. I can remember 1 week when my second Dad spanked me EVERYDAY. I like remember all these cause they were real soon after he became my Dad but most weeks I didnt get that many spankings. On Monday Dad like drove us to Mickey Ds for breakfast before school. We went inside cause Dad said eating in the car would mean I would probably like end up spilling something. Dad ordered coffee, oj and an egg Mc. Muffin for him and said Son, what would you like I said Can I have the same thing He said, Tommy, you may have oj and an egg Mc. Muffin and milk. You know youre too young to have coffee. I said Yes Sir. So Dad like ordered my stuff too. We like sat down at a table by the window where the play area is. While we were like eating and talking about the baseball game from the night before and Dad was looking at the paper I started like pretending to be drumming on the table and spilled my milk. Dad said, Tommy now look what youve done. You couldnt sit still and eat like a good boy. You had to like play at the table. Now youve got milk on your shorts and were gonna have to go back home so you can change. Then he yelled YOURE GONNA GET A SPANKING RIGHT NOW, GET UP Then Dad like grabbed me by my arm and like jerked me up from the table and took me in the bathroom. We were like in the middle of the bathroom and Dad said lift up your arms. He pulled off my t shirt and told me to kick off my sneakers and he took off my socks. A couple other kids were like coming in to tinkle and they started giggling cause I guess they like knew what Dad was gonna do or cause they heard him say he was gonna spank me. Dad like pulled my shorts and underpants down and like made me step out of them and then told me to put my clothes like across the top of the stall door. Dad asked me the questions like always and then like lifted me up in the bend of his left arm and spanked me. My underpants fell off the top of the door and Dad asked the older kid who was like 1. The kid said no prob and said what did he do Thats when I like knew he hadnt like heard what Dad said before. Dad said Tommy was playing with his food instead of eating like a good boy. When Im done spanking him if youre still here Ill make him tell you what he did too. The kid said awesome dude and waited. Before Dad stopped spanking me I guess about 1. Some were other kids and some were adults. They like said things like look Dad that kids getting a spanking or alright dude, give it to him or like teach him a lesson or like laughed. Nobody took my side. When Dad stopped spanking me he made me stand up and crying tell him I was sorry and like tell the kid what I did. That was the same day I got spanked in front of Stacy after school. I wrote about this spanking before. The next day I got spanked for like being rude to the server in the dining room. After we played hoops and showered Dad like put some more lotion on my bottom. I didnt know until like later why. I thought it was cause Dad like knew how bad it hurt and he was sorry he had to spank me so he was trying to like make it hurt less. I didnt know until he told Uncle Stacy that like the bigger reason was cause he wanted to make sure my bottom stayed soft so every spanking would hurt alot and I would like learn my lesson crying over his knee. Dad said lets go up to the dining room tonight son. He knew I couldnt like sit down in the chairs yet even like the cushioned ones so he made me carry a pillow from the room. So we like did. The lady who served us had like served us before so she like knew my Dad and me. Like always Dad ordered for me and him. And like everytime she asked me anything I always answered with mam. When she brought my burger and fries the burger had ketchup and I dont really like ketchup so Dad always orders it without ketchup. I said Dad my burger has ketchup on it. Dad called her back to the table. Sharon, my sons burger has ketchup on it, can we switch it Sure. Thats when I like screwed up. I said, how bout hurry up Im like really hungry. She said, Tommy youll get it when the kitchen fixes it. I said Come on, you know how I always get my burger. You like probably made the mistake. She looked at Dad and said whats gotten into him tonightHes always so respecful and a good kid. Dad like gave me one of his looks and said Im sorry Sharon. Can you hold that burger for a little while and like keep my food hotI need to teach Tommy a lesson. Sure I can keep the food hot but what are you gonna do to him Im goona give him a spanking and then well be back. Dad said lets go Tommy. Leica Summicron R 50Mm F2 Serial Numbers. Yes Sir. This was like the only time Dad didnt spank me where I like misbehaved. I guess cause the room was so close. He opened the door walked me over to the chair and undressed me like always. He didnt even close the door. I was like shaking before he ever asked the first question. Akina Nakamori Fushigi Rar. Do you know what gonna happen YYYEESS SSSIIIRRR My bottom was still like glowing red from the 3 spankings I got like yesterday and I knew I as gonna be screaming like the one after hoops the night before. I was But Dad spanked until he like thought I had learned my lesson. He stood me up grabbed my underpants and told me to step into them. He pulled them up and grabbed my t shirt and put it on me and said step into your sandals. Move. DDDDAAAAAAAAdddddddd ccccccccaaaaannnn IIIIIIII pppppppuuuuuuuuttttttt ooooonnnnn mmmmmyyyyyyyy sssssshhhhoooorrrrrrrrttttttsssss NO, NOW MOVE Dad took me back to the dining room to eat dinner and made me apologize to Ms. Sharon. I was still crying so much I could barely talk. Ms. Sharon said thats ok Tommy, Im sorry you got in trouble. All kids make mistakes but you were wrong to accuse me of making the mistake on your burger. I like try to give the best service I can and I enjoy serving you and your Dad. Like I said, Im sorry you got in trouble but Im glad your Dad spanked you. The next day I got spanked for not being ready for school when Dad picked me up. Dad came in and I was still getting dressed and didnt like have my other stuff ready. I like got up on time and all but I guess I watched TV too long. As soon as I finished brushing my teeth Dad asked if I had tinkled Yes Sir. Did you potty No Sir, I didnt have to. Why arent you ready for school I dont know, Im sorry Dad. You will be. He walked to the chair and said Come here Tommy. But Dad. And I started crying before I even moved. NOW. I like slowly walked the 4 or 5 steps. When he pulled down my underpants and like asked the questions I like babbled the answers. When Dad put me over his knee he said Tommy if you ever want to be able to sit down without your bottom hurting even with a pillow, you better learn to do as youre told. I know the kids at school know every time I spank you. Do you want me blister your bottom every day so that your little red bottom shows through your underpants all the time NNNNNNNooooooo SSSSiiiirrrrr Then he spanked me. On Thursday I got spanked for not finishing my homework grading some papers. After hoops and dinner, Dad asked about my homework like he always did. I said I got just like a little Dad. Go finish it and then you can watch TV. Yes Sir. So in like about 2. I was done. So from like 7 3. TV with him. While I was brushing my teeth at like 8 5. Dad looked through the papers to see how the kids had done and found 3 I like forgot to grade. Top 2. 0 Best Baby Shower Games. Everyone loves a bouncing baby, but not everyone loves run of the mill baby shower games. We certainly dont So if youre like us and are looking for games that are decidedly fresh and fun, weve put together some seriously unstuffy options for you to choose from. Here are the Top 2. Best Baby Shower Games from Beau coup to youDont Say Baby. Mums the word when it comes to saying baby Get this great icebreaker started the moment your guests walk through the door. As you greet each guest, give each a diaper pin to wear on his or her shirt. Once all of your guests have arrived, tell everyone that they cant say baby for the duration of the shower or until its time to open presents. If anyone hears someone else saying the forbidden word, he or she can steal the rule breakers pin. At the end of the game, the person with the most pins wins a gift. Guess the Baby Game. Pink cheeks and rosy memories abound when you play this game at your baby shower. Youll need to set the wheels in motion as you send out invitations to the shower. With each invite, include a note instructing guests to bring along a picture of themselves as babies. As each guest arrives, assign a number to each picture and post it up on the wall. Have each guest guess which picture corresponds to each guest. After everyone is finished cooing over the photos, give a prize to the person with the most matches that matched up Baby Items in the Bag. Keep guests guessing with this practical game. Put at least ten common, useful baby items inside a diaper bag a bib, teething ring, rattle, bottle and diaper are just a few goodies that are also fairly inexpensive. Give each guest a pen and paper before passing the diaper bag around. Without looking, each person should stick a hand inside the bag and identify as many items as possible. Give each two minutes to feel around and make their guesses before moving the bag to the next person. Once everyone has had a turn, find out who had the most correct answers. The winner gets a prize and the parents to be get the diaper bag filled with baby essentials Mommy and Daddys Secrets. If youre looking for a fun, yet touching, baby shower game for your coed baby shower, youre in luck though you can always adjust the game to fit a shower just for the girls. Ask the mom and dad for answers to twenty questions make sure to do this with the significant other nowhere in sight Some great questions include, Where were you when you heard the news Do you want a girl or boy and If you could have your way, what would you want your child to be when he or she grows up After you quiz each and record their answers, bring both into the room and put the future parents on the hot spot one at a time. Ask each to guess the answer their partner gave to each question before polling the audience to see who thinks the answer is correct. Everyones a winner with this lively gameBaby Sketch Artists. Who knew paper plates could be this much fun Pass out sturdy paper plates and markers to all of your guests. Let them know theyll be drawing a picture of the baby, and the best sketch will win. The catch is that everyone has to draw with the paper plate on her or his head Its a hilarious sight and the finished drawings are guaranteed to have everyone in stitches. Dirty Diapers. An icky dirty diaper is no ones friend but what if the gooey center is actually candy Funnily enough, its still gross with this nutty baby shower game Place several types of melted chocolate candies in newborn sized diapers or folded napkins. Make sure you have many types and consistencies represented milky, creamy, nutty, caramel filled, and the like. Pass the diapers around and have each person sniff and lick the gooey poo centers in order to guess which brand of candy bar is in each diaper. The person with the best nose for chocolatey tasting number two, wins Guess the Baby Food. If youve ever thought that baby food in jars looks less like the peas or carrots they purport to be and more like miscellaneous mush, this is the game for you. Gather seven to ten unique flavors of baby food jars, number each lid and tear off the labels. Ask each guest to grab a spoon and start samplingThe guest with the keenest taste buds wins a prize for getting the most correct. Guess the Mothers Measurements. Pregnancy is perhaps the only time in life that its socially acceptable to go up to a woman, rub her belly and comment on the expanding size of her waistline. So why not have fun with it Pass around a ball of yarn and a pair of scissors. Tell each guest to cut off a length of string that they think corresponds to the size of the honorees belly make sure no one is cheating by measuring their own or a friends waist. When everyone has a piece of string, invite each person up to try his or her luck measuring the mom to bes belly. Whoever has a string that comes closest to being a perfect measurement, wins. Drink Up, Baby Whether youre planning a daring couples shower or a tame for all ages party, this game is always a hilarious hit. Fill baby bottles with the beverage of your choice beer for the guys at a grown ups party and apple juice for the kids at a family baby shower. Then, give everyone a bottle and on the count of three they must suck the bottles dry as quickly as possible. The first person to down the contents of his or her bottle wins. Diaper Derby. On your mark, get set, go Divide your guests into teams and hand each team a roll of toilet paper. Give the teams five minutes to wrap a team member up in a mock diaper. The team with the most creatively diapered baby wins. Theres something so outrageously funny about grown adults in hastily assembled toilet paper diapers your guests wont be able to stop laughing Bobbing for Nipples. This suggestive game is the hands down favorite among males at coed baby showers. Set up a row of large buckets of water and drop some baby bottle nipples into each. Each guest must get down on his or her knees hands behind backs and bob for as many nipples as they can grab in two minutes. When the buzzer goes off, the person with the most nipples wins. Birthing Babies. Youll have a roomful of amusingly anxious faux parents to be with this ice melter game. The night before your shower, freeze a bunch of ice cubes with tiny plastic babies in the center available at any craft store. When guests arrive, drop an ice cube into a cup of water and present to each person. As time ticks by, the ice begins to melt and the baby is closer and closer to its due date Whoever has a baby first, wins. Or, change it up by asking people to correctly guess how long it will take for their baby to be born. Baby Price is Right. Frhed Hex Editor on this page. Bob Barker isnt the only one who can set the stage for big winsBuy 1. Use blank note cards to write the price of each item on one side, and the item itself on the other. Gather guests together and play it just like the TV show each guest must guess the price of the items on the cards, and the person with the highest total without going over wins. Best of all, the parents to be get to keep the handy baby items used for the game. Place The Baby On The Mommy. Pin the Tail on the Donkey has nothing on this screwball take on the classic party game. Blow up a poster sized picture of the mom to be standing with her pregnant belly in profile. Blindfold each guest and give him or her a cutout picture of a baby. After a couple of spins, each guest must walk to the wall and pin the baby on the mommy. Whoever gets it closest to the tummy, wins. Sloppy Diaper Relay. Ah, if only diapering were a team sport. Olympic trials, here you comeSet up several diapering stations complete with dolls swaddled in diapers. Break guests up into teams, hand out a blindfold to each and set your timer.