Simple Serial Protocol

Simple Serial Protocol' title='Simple Serial Protocol' />Git. Hub kerrydwongSimple Serial Protocol Simple Serial Protocol. Join Git. Hub today. Git. Hub is home to over 2. The serial protocol well be discussing in this tutorial is. Serial communication is designed to allow just two. A very simple jsonheaderandbody protocol. SimpleProtocol. A very simple headerandbody protocol. Originally written as an example in a Node API doc. Simple serial pointtopoint communication protocol sample code. A simple implementation of serial communication between two software entities. This command is easy and simple command for testing device operation and get information about the number of user. Serial Protocol. Serial Protocol. Serial buses dot the landscape of embedded design. Figure 1. The official specification does not delineate any communications protocol. Framing in serial communications Eli Benderskys website. Introduction. In the previous post weve seen how to send and receive data on the serial port with Python and plot it live using a pretty GUI. Notice that the sender script sendersim. The chunks of data in the protocol between the sender and receiver are single bytes. This is simple and convenient, but hardly sufficient in the general sense. Simple Serial Protocol ManualThe Scale Manufacturers Association. The intent of this Scale Serial Communication Protocol Standard is to make common. To keep the protocol simple. A Simple Serial Protocol. I call this protocol simple because it does not define the message format, nor does it define the length of each message. Serial ProgrammingForming Data Packets. Bit Serial Protocol. Very Simple Control Protocol http The protocol is free. Every time I design a serial protocol to be used between two. Communication Protocol Best Practices and Patterns. The code can be as simple as this for. We want to be able to send multiple byte data frames between the communicating parties. However, there are some challenges that arise immediately The receiver is just receiving a stream of bytes from the serial port. How does it know when a message begins or ends How does it know how long the message is Even more seriously, we can not assume a noise free channel. This is real, physical hardware stuff. Bytes and whole chunks can and will be lost due to electrical noise. Worse, other bytes will be distorted say, a single bit can be flipped due to noise. To see how this can be done in a safe and tested manner, we first have to learn about the basics of the Data Link Layer in computer networks. Data Link Layer. Given a physical layer that can transmit signals between devices, the job of the Data Link Layer 1 is roughly stated to transmit whole frames of data, with some means of assuring the integrity of the data lack of errors. When we use sockets to communicate over TCP or UDP on the internet, the framing is taken care of deep in the hardware, and we dont even feel it. On the serial port, however, we must take care of the framing and error handling ourselves 2. Auto Serial Number Tags'>Auto Serial Number Tags. Framing. In chapter 3 of his Computer Networks textbook, Tanenbaum defines the following methods of framing Inserting time gaps between frames. Physical layer coding violations. Character count. Flag bytes with byte stuffing. Flag bytes with bit stuffing. Methods 1 and 2 are only suitable for a hardware implemented data link layer 3. It is very difficult read impossible to ensure timing when multiple layers of software running on Windows are involved. Method 3 means specifying in the frame header the number of bytes in the frame. The trouble with this is that the count can be garbled by a transmission error. In such a case, its very difficult to resynchronize. This method is rarely used. Methods 4 and 5 are somewhat similar. In this article Ill focus on 4, as 5 is not suitable for serial port communications. Flag bytes with byte stuffing. Lets begin with a simple idea and develop it into a full, robust scheme. Flag bytes are special byte values that denote when a frame begins and ends. Suppose that we want to be able to send frames of arbitrary length. A special start flag byte will denote the beginning of the frame, and an end flag byte will denote its end. A question arises, however. Suppose that the value of the end flag is 0x. What if the value 0x. The protocol will get confused and end the message. There is a simple solution to this problem that will be familiar to all programmers who know about escaping quotes and special characters in strings. It is called byte stuffing, or octet stuffing, or simply escaping4. The scheme goes as follows Whenever a flag start or end byte appears in the data, we shall insert a special escape byte ESC before it. When the receiver sees an ESC, it knows to ignore it and not insert it into the actual data received de stuffing. Whenever ESC itself has to appear in the data, another ESC is prepended to it. The receiver removes the first one but keeps the second one 5. Here are a few examples Note that we didnt specify what the data is its arbitrary and up the the protocol to decide. The only really required part of the data is some kind of error checking a checksum, or better yet a CRC. This is customarily the last byte or last word of the frame, referring to all the bytes in the frame in its un stuffed form. This scheme is quite robust any lost byte be it a flag, an escape, a data byte or a checksum byte will cause the receiver to lose just one frame, after which it will resynchronize onto the start flag byte of the next one. PPPAs a matter of fact, this method is a slight simplification of the Point to Point Protocol PPP which is used by most ISPs for providing ADSL internet to home users, so theres a good chance youre using it now to surf the net and read this article The framing of PPP is defined in RFC 1. In particular, PPP does the following Both the start and end flag bytes are 0x. E they shouldnt really be different, if you think about itThe escape byte is 0x. Booklet Template Indesign there. DWhenever a flag or escape byte appears in the message, it is escaped by 0x. D and the byte itself is XOR ed with 0x. So, for example 0x. E becomes 0x. 7D 0x. E. Similarly 0x. 7D becomes 0x. D 0x. 5D. The receiver unsuffs the escape byte and XORs the next byte with 0x. An example. Lets now see a completely worked out example that demonstrates how this works. Suppose we define the following protocol Start flag 0x. End flag 0x. 13. Escape DLE 0x. DAnd the sender wants to send the following data message lets ignore its contents for the sake of the example theyre really not that important. The original data is in a The data contains two flags that need to be escaped an end flag at position 2 counting from 0, of course, and a DLE at position 4. The senders data link layer 7 turns the data into the frame shown in b start and end flags are added, and in message flags are escaped. Lets see how the receiver handles such a frame. For demonstration, assume that the first byte the receiver draws from the serial port is not a real part of the message we want to see how it handles this. In the following diagram, Receiver state is the state of the receiver after the received byte. Data buffer is the currently accumulated message buffer to pass to an upper level A few things to note The stray byte before the header is ignored according to the protocol each frame has to start with a header, so this isnt part of the frame. The start and end flags are not inserted into the data buffer. Escapes DLEs are correctly handled by a special state. When the frame is finished with an end flag, the receiver has a frame ready to pass to an upper level, and comes back waiting for a header a new frame. Finally, we see that the message received is exactly the message sent. All the protocol details flags, escapes and so on were transparently handled by the data link layer 8. Conclusion. There are several methods of handling framing in communications, although most are unsuitable to be used on top of the serial port. Among the ones that are suitable, the most commonly used is byte stuffing. By defining a couple of magic value flags and careful rules of escaping, this framing methods is both robust and easy to implement as a software layer. It is also widely used as PPP depends on it. Finally, its important to remember that for a high level of robustness, its required to add some kind of error checking into the protocol such as computing a CRC on the message and appending it as the last word of the message, which the receiver can verify before deciding that the message is valid. A single parity bit isnt a very strong means of detecting errors. Error handling is usually done by stronger means at a higher level.