How To Install Ftp Server In Windows 7 Home Basic

How To Install Ftp Server In Windows 7 Home Basic' title='How To Install Ftp Server In Windows 7 Home Basic' />How To Install Ftp Server In Windows 7 Home BasicInstall and configure DNS Server in Windows Server 2. What is DNS DNS stands for Domain Name System. To know more about DNS visit Wikipedia DNS. In short DNS maps complex 3. WSTtgtQu.png' alt='How To Install Ftp Server In Windows 7 Home Basic' title='How To Install Ftp Server In Windows 7 Home Basic' />How To Install Ftp Server In Windows 7 Home BasicThese instructions are intended specifically for installing phpMyAdmin on CentOS 7. Ill be working from a Liquid Web Self Managed CentOS 7 server, and Ill be. Want to build your own DNS Server for hosting domains on your server here is the in depth details to install and configure DNS Server in Windows Server 2008. IP addresses to human readable and rememberable domain names i. DNS consists of a very large globally distributed database which hold zones for domains and consequently these zones hold various resource records of the domain. As we all know every device connected with the global internet is identified by a logical 3. This IP address is further divided into 4 octal numbers separated by dot. It is DNS due to which we dont need to remember those complex 3. IP addresses. Say thanks to DNS due to which we only need to enter say www. DNS takes care of resolving this name to respective IP address. To know how DNS Server works and for detailed description about each and every term associated with DNS Server you may find DNS on Windows Server 2. I learned a lot of stuffs about DNS Server from DNS and BIND 5th Edition. Install DNS Server in Windows Server 2. Launch Server Manager by clicking Start Administrative Tools Server Manager. Click Roles and then Add Roles. Select DNS Server from the list and then click Next button. A little introduction to DNS Server and a few useful links for further details as shown in below image. Click Next to move on. DNS Server has been installed successfully as per below snapshot. Click Close to finish the Add Roles Wizard. Creating Forward Lookup Zone. Launch DNS Manager by clicking Start Administrative Tools DNS or type dnsmgmt. Run window Press Windows Key R and press Enter. Expand Server e. WIN2. Right click Forward Lookup Zones New Zone which will launch New Zone wizard. Click Next on Welcome to the New Zone wizard. Since this is our primary DNS Server for the zone select Primary zone. Then move on by clicking Next button. Enter the domain name for which you want to create the zone for e. Say you want to build up DNS Server for your own Windows Server 2. The zone can also be created for subdomain e. Zone File Options. Create a new file with this file name Enter the physical zone file name where all zone information will be stored for this domainsubdomain. This file will be created under systemrootsystem. Follow standard zone file naming convention e. Use this existing file If you already have a zone file for this domainsubdomain then select this option and specify zone file name here. You need to put this zone file under systemrootsystem. Dynamic Update Here you can specify if this DNS zone will accept secure, nonsecure or no dynamic updates from client. Allow only secure dynamic updates recommended for Active Directory This is available only for Active Directory integrated zones. This setting allows Active Directory client machines to register their name as resource records pointing towards their dynamicstatic IP address. Allow both nonsecure and secure dynamic updates This should never be enabled because it allows all clients secure and nonsecure both to update from all clients. Do not allow dynamic updates This should be the preferred setting if you are setting up this zone for your own hosting server. This denies dynamic updates to zone resource records from all client and you will need to change them manually whenever required. We will choose this option and then move on. Forward lookup zone has been created successfully for gopalthorve. Click Finish to close the New Zone Wizard. Configure Forward Lookup Zone. Right click on gopalthorve. Properties. Name Servers Here we can configure nameservers for the zone gopalthorve. Remove the default entry from the list. Click Add button to add new nameserver record. Tye fully qualified domain name FQDN of the nameserver for your domain. I am configuring my own live DNS Server and hence I entered ns. Enter the IP addresses to which ns. I am entering private IP address of my computer here for example purpose only. Please replace it by your Public IP Address allotted by your ISP or dedicated or VPS hosting provider. Similarly create another nameserver record. I created it as ns. Please replace it by your Public IP Address allotted by your ISP or dedicated or VPS hosting provider. Second nameserver record is required because your domain name registrar will require atleast two nameservers for pointing your domain to the DNS server we are configuring. We are configuring both nameservers pointing to the same DNS Server configured with multiple IP Addresses. Click Apply to save changes. Start of Authority SOASerial number This is the serial number for the zone. This should be set to YYYYMMDDNN where YYYY is the year, MM is the month, DD is the day and NN is the count is the count indiciating how many times the zone modified on that particular day. Whenever you change zone data occurs this serial number must be incremented by one. When slave nameserver contacts master for zone data it compares its own serial number with masters serial number and its less than masters serial number then slave nameserver updates its zone data from master. Primary server This is the FQDN of nameserver which you want to set as primary nameserver for this zone. In my case its ns. Responsible person Specify the email address of the administrator who is responsible for maintaining this zone. Here email address must be specified in dotted format e. This is required when other webmasters wants to contact the maintainer of the zone in case of any issues. Refresh interval This value instructs the slave nameserver how often to check that the data for this zone is up to date. Set this to 1 day if zone doesnt change frequently. For the DNS server for hosting purpose 1 day is idle. Retry interval In case slave nameserver failed to connect to master after Refresh interval in case master is down or unreachable, slave tries to connect to master every interval specified here. Generally Retry interval is shorter than Refresh interval but its not compulsory. Enter 2 hours here. Expires after If the slave fails to connect master for this much time, the slave expires the zone. Expiring the zone means it slave stops responding to queries for this zone because the zone data that slave is having is very old. Enter 7 days here. Minimum default TTL TTL stands for Time To Leave. This applies to all negative responses from the authoratative nameservers. Enter 1 day here. Frutiger Bold Mac here. TTL for this record TTL for SOA record. Click Apply to save changes. Zone Transfers Zone transfer is the process of transferring entire zone to the requesting serverclient. The best practice is to not allow every one to connect and transfer the zones. You can allow only specific server for zone transfers i. We can setup to notify the servers if any zone updates happen on this zone. Allow zone transfers Enablesdisables zone transfers. To any server All serverclients will be allowed to transfer zones. Not recommended. Only to servers listed on the Name Servers tab Zone transfers will only be allowed to the nameservers specified under Name Servers tab ns. Highly recommended for DNS Servers for web hosting servers. Only to the following servers If you want to enter IPFQDN to which zone transfers will be allowed select this option and then click on Edit button and list all IPFQDN allowed for zone transfers. Notify Automatically notify Enablesdisables automatic notification of zone changes to either nameserver listed on Nameservers tab or specified IP addressesFQDN names. How to Setup an FTP Server in Windows using IISEarlier, I had written a post on how to turn your computer into a Windows file sharing server using a couple of different programs. If youre looking for a quick way to share the files on your local computer with friends or family, this is an easy way to do so. However, if youre looking to setup your own FTP server in Windows using IIS, you can do so, but it requires more technical knowledge. Of course, it also gives your more granular control over sharing and security, so its better for anyone who has a little computer know how. Plus, IIS is all about running websites, so if you want to run a couple of websites along with an FTP server, then IIS is the best choice. Its also worth noting that different versions of IIS come with each flavor of Windows and they all have slightly different feature sets. IIS 5. 0 came with Windows 2. Windows XP Professional. IIS 6 was for Windows Server 2. Windows XP Professional 6. IIS 7 was a complete rewrite of IIS and was included with Windows Server 2. Windows Vista. IIS 7. Windows 7, IIS 8 released with Windows 8 and IIS 8. Windows 8. 1. Its best to use IIS 7. The first thing youll need to setup your own FTP server in Windows is to make sure you have Internet Information Services IIS installed. Remember, IIS only comes with Pro, Professional, Ultimate or Enterprise versions of Windows. In Windows Vista and earlier, click on Start, Control Panel and go to AddRemove Programs. Then click on AddRemove Windows Components. For Windows 7 and higher, click on Programs and Features from Control Panel and then click on Turn Windows features on or off. In the components wizard, scroll down until you see IIS in the list and check it off. Before you click Next though, make sure you click on Details and then check File Transfer Protocol FTP Service. For Windows 7 and up, go ahead and click on the box next to Internet Information Services and FTP Server. You also need to make sure you check the Web Management Tools box otherwise you wont be able to manage IIS from Administrative Tools later on. For FTP, you need to check the FTP Service box otherwise you wont have the option to create an FTP server. Click OK and then click Next. Windows will go ahead and install the necessary IIS files along with the FTP service. You may be asked to insert your Windows XP or Windows Vista disc at this point. You shouldnt need a disc for Windows 7 or higher. Setup and configure IIS for FTPOnce IIS has been installed, you may have to restart your computer. Now we want to go ahead and open the IIS configuration panel to set up the FTP server. So go to Start, then Control Panel and click on Administrative Tools. You should now see an icon for Internet Information Services. When you open IIS in Vista or earlier for the first time, youll only see your computer name in the left hand menu. Go ahead and click the symbol next to the computer name and youll see a couple of options like Web Sites, FTP Sites, etc. Were interested in FTP Sites, so expand that out also. You should see Default FTP Site, click on it. Youll notice after you click on the default FTP site that there are a couple of buttons at the top that look like VCR buttons Play, Stop, and Pause. If the Play button is greyed out, that means the FTP server is active. Your FTP server is now up and running You can actually connect to it via your FTP client software. I use Smart. FTP, but you can use whatever you like best. For Windows 7 and higher, youll see a different look to IIS. Firstly, there is no play button or anything like that. Also, youll see a bunch of configuration options right on the home screen for authentication, SSL settings, directory browsing, etc. To start the FTP server here, you have to right click on Sites and then choose Add FTP Site. This opens the FTP wizard where you start by giving your FTP site a name and choosing the physical location for the files. Next, you have to configure the bindings and SSL. Bindings are basically what IP addresses you want the FTP site to use. You can leave it at All Unassigned if you dont plan on running any other website. Keep the Start FTP site automatically box checked and choose No SSL unless you understand certificates. Lastly, you have to setup authentication and authorization. You have to choose whether you want Anonymous or Basic authentication or both. For authorization, you choose from All Users, Anonymous users or specific users. You can actually access the FTP server locally by opening Explorer and typing in ftp localhost. If all worked well, you should see the folder load with no errors. If you have an FTP program, you can do the same thing. Open the FTP client software and type in localhost as the host name and choose Anonymous for the login. Connect and you should now see the folder. Ok, so now we got the site up and running Now where do you drop the data you want to share In IIS, the default FTP site is actually located in C Inetpubftproot. You can dump data in there, but what if you already have data located somewhere else and dont want to move it to inetpub In Windows 7 and higher, you can pick any location you want via the wizard, but its still only one folder. If you want to add more folders to the FTP site, you have to add virtual directories. For now, just open the ftproot directory and dump some files into it. Now refresh your FTP client and you should now see your files listed So you now have an up and running FTP server on your local computer. So how would you connect from another computer on the local network In order to do this, youll have to open up the Windows Firewall to allow FTP connections to your computer otherwise all external computers will be blocked. You can do this by going to Start, Control Panel, clicking on Windows Firewall and then clicking on the Advanced Tab. Under the Network Connection Settings section, make sure all of the connections are checked in the left list and then click on the Settings button. Beginning Programming For Dummies 4Th Edition. Youll now be able to open certain ports on your computer based on the service your computer is providing. Since we are hosting our own FTP server, we want to check off FTP Server. A little popup window will appear with some settings that you can change, just leave it as it is and click OK. Click OK again at the main Windows Firewall window. In Windows 7 and higher, the process is different for opening the firewall port. Open Windows Firewall from the Control Panel and then click on Advanced Settings on the left hand side. Then click on Inbound Rules and scroll down till you see FTP Server FTP Traffic In, right click on it and choose Enable Rule. Then click on Outbound Rules and do the same thing for FTP Server FTP Traffic Out. You have now opened up the firewall for FTP connections. Now try to connect to your FTP site from a different computer on your network. Youll need to get the IP address of the computer first before you can connect into it from a different computer. Go to Start, click Run and type in CMD. Type IPCONFIG and jot down the number for IP Address In your FTP client on the other computer, type in the IP Address you just wrote down and connect anonymously. You should now be able to see all of your files just like you did on the FTP client that was on the local computer. Again, you can also go to Explorer and just type in FTP ipaddress to connect. Now that the FTP site is working, you can add as many folders as you like for FTP purposes.