Everyday English For Young People Pdf

National Geographic Roper. Americans are far from alone in the world, but from the perspective of many young Americans, we might as well be. Most young adults between the ages of 1. Download the complete survey and report PDFYoung Americans answer about half 5. But by and large, majorities of young adults fail at a range of questions testing their basic geographic literacy. Ket handbook for teachers contents 1 Contents Preface This handbook is for anyone who is preparing candidates for the Cambridge ESOL Key English Test KET. Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your. Filme Cabocla Tereza'>Filme Cabocla Tereza. Only 3. 7 of young Americans can find Iraq on a mapthough U. S. troops have been there since 2. Americans dont speak a foreign language fluently. Americans think Sudan is in Asia. Its the largest country in Africa. Americans believe the majority population in India is Muslim. Its Hinduby a landslide. Half of young Americans cant find New York on a map. These results suggest that young people in the United Statesthe most recent graduates of our educational systemare unprepared for an increasingly global future. Far too many lack even the most basic skills for navigating the international economy or understanding the relationships among people and places that provide critical context for world events. National Geographic and leading education, business, and nonprofit partners have launched My Wonderful World, a campaign to increase global learning in school, at home, and in the community. With the help of parents, teachersand youwe can help give our youth the power of global knowledge. Because kids who understand our world today can succeed in it tomorrow. The findings presented are the results of a face to face survey conducted from December 1. January 2. 0, 2. 00. Roper Public Affairs and Media, a part of Gf. K NOP. Interviews were conducted among a nationwide representative sample of 5. United States. Data were weighted for sample balancing by sex and age. The margin of error for the total sample is 4. The margin of error for subgroups is higher. Because of rounding, numbers may not total 1. This study is the latest in a series of surveys commissioned by the National Geographic Society. The most recent prior survey was conducted among nine nations in 2. See results of 2. Everyday English For Young People Pdf' title='Everyday English For Young People Pdf' />Academic Language and English Language Learners. Delia Pompa What is academic language How do we move our English language learners beyond survival English Im Delia Pompa. Please join me for our next Colorn Colorado webcast, academic language for English language learners. Narrator Funding for this Colorn Colorado webcast is provided by the American Federation of Teachers with additional support from the National Council of La Raza. What We Found. Americans are far from alone in the world, but from the perspective of many young Americans, we might as well be. Most young adults between the ages of. Delia Pompa Hello. Im Delia Pompa. Welcome to the Colorn Colorado webcast series. Today were going to talk about academic language for English language learners. Joining me is Dr. Robin Scarcella. She is the Professor and Director of the Program in academic language and ESL at the University of California Irvine campus. So, long title. It must be an important topic. Everyday English For Young People Pdf' title='Everyday English For Young People Pdf' />What is academic language Dr. Robin Scarcella Academic language is a language used in school context. Its the language of text. Everyday English For Young People Pdf' title='Everyday English For Young People Pdf' />Everyday English For Young People PdfEveryday English For Young People PdfGood Health Habits for Preventing Seasonal Flu CDC. World Health Day, celebrated on 7 April every year to mark the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization, provides us with a unique opportunity to. Its a language of prestige and power in the United States. And those who have acquired academic language tend to go on and become very successful in academic settings. Unfortunately, those students who do not apply our academic language oftentimes fail and sometimes end up dropping out of school. Delia Pompa I believe you brought an example to share with us. Dr. Robin Scarcella Yes, I did. I brought these two letters from my student Vaughn. Vaughn came from Vietnam at age five. And she went through all of our public schools. And you can see that she wrote this letter because she was really distraught. Because shed been placed in a beginning level English as a second language writing course at the University of California Irvine. I was the Director of the Program. And she was my student. She did not want to be in this class. And so she wrote this letter. And she actually brought all her work from her high school. And she had poetry to share with me. And she had essays and a variety of different written work. All of which was written in a very interesting style of informal, everyday English. It wasnt academic. And so she wrote this beautiful letter saying that she had read many books, that she had written and spoken English since she said since time I come to the U. S. And all her friends speak English. She always speaks English with her friends in the dorm, and she reads many book, she writes. Please do not makes me lose the face. I have competent in English. Delia Pompa And so you then put her through a program of instruction. Dr. Robin Scarcella Even though she received straight As in English in high school, I had to put her in my ESL academic English sequence of three courses. And at the end of the year, she wrote the second letter. Delia Pompa And so, in the second letter, you could tell the difference. Dr. Robin Scarcella You can see this amazing difference in her vocabulary, in her grammatical development, even in her rhetoric. Hi, Robin, she begins. And then she goes on and she asks for a letter of recommendation. Well, she does get this letter. She does actually get an internship in Washington, D. C. Dr. Robin Scarcella And then she goes on after she graduates from UCI into graduate school. And you can see what excellent English she uses. Now, is her English perfect Native English No, of course not. But its very good. Delia Pompa Shes got all the conventions. And shes got academic language. Dr. Robin Scarcella She can go into any field she wants to. Delia Pompa Now, this brings up the question about the difference between social language and academic language. Can you tell us a little bit more about that Dr. Robin Scarcella Yes. You can see that in social everyday English, its possible to communicate imprecisely without using English grammatically correctly. You dont need articles, the and a to really show what you mean. You dont need to have prepositions or use the correct preposition in your language. You can use basic everyday words. You can make your language very colorful by using slang. You can avoid pronoun reference if you want to. Especially if the addressee already knows what youre talking about. Delia Pompa Do you need to get to a certain level of social language before you move onto academic language Dr. Neat Image Pro Serial Key there. Robin Scarcella Whats interesting is in the United States, we believe that students must acquire informal English first and then they can acquire academic English afterwards. In reality, its very helpful for students to be able to begin a conversation and keep it going, have those basic conversational skills. But at the same time, we can be laying the foundation for academic language. We need not wait until students have completely mastered informal, everyday English. Delia Pompa Well, are there activities a teacher can plan to help a student understand the difference between social language and academic language Dr. Robin Scarcella Yes, there are. One of my favorite activities is giving students a passage of academic language and then a passage of informal language and comparing them step by step. So that students understand Wow. When I look at informal English, it uses a lot of repetition of words. And when I look at academic language, it has a variety of words and more sophisticated words. When I look at informal English, its perfectly fine to begin a sentence with the words and and but. But when I look at academic language, academic language has transition words such as however and moreover and in addition. When I look at informal English, I can use stuff and slang such as guy, cool, awesome. But when I use academic language, I avoid using slang. So theres big differences. And thats a great strategy, instructional strategy for teaching students to recognize the difference. So I give them two passages, one informal, one academic. And then I have them get together in groups or with a pair, partner, and actually write out a list of the features that characterize these. I do this again and again. So that students understand that academic English is different from informal English. Delia Pompa Well, youve talked about some written examples. But you started to talk a little bit about oral examples. Is it mainly a written problem Or does it show up in oral language also Dr. Robin Scarcella Teachers often think that academic English is not an oral problem. Its a challenge, both in writing and in speech. And its very important that teachers scaffold students development of oral academic language. So that theyre able to participate in academic discussions and debates and make presentations in front of their peers. Teachers can use a variety of activities to scaffold their production of academic language. One of my favorite ones is preparing students in advance to talk orally in front of others by having them partner up and actually teach them academic words and grammatical features that they might use in making an academic presentation. And then the next step is, of course, having them practice these with their partner before they do the oral presentation. Because too often teachers have students, English learners, make presentations when the students arent prepared. Delia Pompa They have no practice in it. Dr. Robin Scarcella They need to practice, practice, practice. Delia Pompa Well, speaking of practice, I think weve come to understand that a knowledge of a students ability to read in his native language has a lot to do with predicting how hes going to do in English. Is the same true for academic language Dr.